12 de diciembre de 2010

Vocabulary Quiz

Vocabulary Quiz - Think of words beginning with "G"

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. What "G word" is an area by a house where people grow flowers?

  2. What European country used to be divided into East and West?

  3. This "G word" is used to protect the hands or to keep them warm. It's a ___

  4. This was first played in Scotland and involves hitting a little white ball into a hole.

  5. This is used to stick paper together.

  6. Your mother's parents and your father's parents are your ___

  7. The color you get when you mix white and black paint together.

  8. Dark green or red fruit which grows on vines and are used to make wine are called ___

  9. The musical instrument that John Lennon played right-handed and Paul McCartney plays left-handed is a ___

  10. This is good to chew and chew and chew. It's ___

(C) 1996 by Letitia Bradley

8 de diciembre de 2010



Click the answer button to see the answer.

  1. Jenny is ___ work now.
    a. on
    b. in
    c. at
    d. over

  2. The bookstore is just ___ the corner.
    a. around
    b. across
    c. over
    d. opposite

  3. Jill was standing ___ me.
    a. along
    b. at
    c. across
    d. next to

  4. Tracy waited ___ the bus station for an hour.
    a. under
    b. at
    c. across
    d. along

  5. Donald lives ___ Coronation Street.
    a. around
    b. by
    c. through
    d. on

  6. My birthday falls ___ the 25 of July.
    a. at
    b. on
    c. behind
    d. in

  7. There is a bench ___ the lamp post.
    a. beside
    b. over
    c. along
    d. through

  8. There are cars parked ___ the road.
    a. through
    b. along
    c. across
    d. with

  9. She comes to work ___ foot.
    a. on
    b. by
    c. with
    d. in

  10. Ida wanted to stay ___ home.
    a. in
    b. at
    c. off
    d. inside

Copyright 2000 by Yanti Nading

26 de noviembre de 2010

Ready for the Final Exam?

Hi there!

The term and 2010 are coming to an end, and to help you study and round off those topics that could be difficult to understand, we offer you a "virtual classroom". This lesson covers the main grammar issues and vocabulary areas that have been analyzed in class.

May you find the virtual class useful and hope you can have a great exam!

Kind regards,
Prof. Michael Scranton & Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas

19 de noviembre de 2010

Even Some More Vocabulary!

Vocabulary Quiz - "E" Words

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. An arm bends at the ___

  2. The opposite of full is ___

  3. A bigger copy of a photograph is called an ___

  4. "The way out" is also known as the ___

  5. The opposite of cheap is ___

  6. The machine that makes a car move is it's ___

  7. What "E word" means all places?

  8. The imaginary line that runs around the middle of the earth is called the ___

  9. Tokyo, Kobe and San Francisco are all cities which have been damaged by ___

  10. When everything is finished it is the ___

(C) 1996 by Letitia Bradley

Some More Vocabulary!

Vocabulary Quiz - "D" Words

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. What has four legs, barks and wags its tail?

  2. This is a precious stone often found in expensive rings.

  3. If you have twelve eggs or twelve loaves of bread, then you have a ___

  4. When someone has too much alcohol to drink, they are ___

  5. Somebody who can't hear is said to be ___

  6. If you have a toothache you might want to visit a ___

  7. This kind of book is used to find the spelling of words.

  8. Ice cream, sponge pudding, apple pie and cake are all kinds of ___

  9. Someone who wants to lose weight or has a health problem goes on a ___

  10. Ten years equals a ___

(C) 1996 by Letitia Bradley

Some Vocabulary!

Vocabulary Quiz - "C" Words

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. What chocolate drink came from Mexico? It's ___

  2. Where is the longest wall in the world? It's in ___

  3. We drink tea and coffee from it an it sits on a saucer. It's a ___

  4. Kings and queens live in this building. It's a ___

  5. The person in charge of a ship is a ___

  6. Another word for a taxi is a ___

  7. A bird is sometimes kept in a ___

  8. The capital city of Egypt is ___

  9. Something you sit on with four legs, a back and a seat is a ___

  10. The opposite of expensive is ___

(C) 1996 by Letitia Bradley

5 de noviembre de 2010

Opposite words

Vocabulary Quiz - Opposites

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.

  1. The room is dirty, it isn't very ___

  2. It's loose, it isn't very ___

  3. The knife is dull, it isn't very ___

  4. The stereo is quiet, it isn't very ___

  5. The water is shallow, it isn't very ___

  6. The line curves, it isn't very ___

  7. Her hair is fair, it isn't very ___

  8. That book is thin, it isn't very ___

  9. The water level is low, it isn't very ___

  10. The road is narrow, it isn't very ___

(C) 1996 by Leritia Bradley

29 de octubre de 2010

Verbos irregulares

han comenzado en sus cursos a analizar tiempos perfectos, y con ellos han llegados los verbos irregulares. Les acercamos un ejercicio para ver cuánto recuerdan de las 3 columnas de algunos de esos verbos. Suerte!
Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas

Irregular Verbs

Think of the correct answer, then click on the answer button to see the correct answer.


(C) 1997 Charles Kelly

13 de octubre de 2010

All miners are saved

One by one the miners who had been trapped underground for more than two months in Chile ascended to the surface, ending their subterranean captivity. The world watched, their nation cheered, their families wept.
Today, we invite you to watch this CNN 10-minute report on the rescued miners.
Enjoy, and celebrate life!
Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas

8 de octubre de 2010

Some Phrasal Verbs

Choose the correct answer and then chick on the answer button to see if it's correct.

  1. The heating ___ last night and we couldn't fix it.
    went off
    turned off
  2. He ___ his last chance of being promoted.
    gave away
    took away
  3. I'm ___ with your complaints.
    filled up
    fed up
  4. Don't ___ his campaign promises.
    fall for
    feel for
  5. It took the firefighters many hours to ___ the fire.
    die out
    put out
  6. I can't hear you. ___ the radio.
    Put down
    Turn down
  7. The meeting had to be ___ until next week.
    put off
    set off
  8. She couldn't ___ all the candles on the cake with one breath.
    blow out
    throw out
  9. I ___ the letter before throwing it in the trash.
    zipped up
    tore up
  10. Are you ___ a place to stay in San Francisco?
    looking for
    watching for
  11. The plane will ___ soon.
    leave off
    take off

(C) 1997 Vera Mello

24 de septiembre de 2010


Las preposiciones son un dolor de cabeza, porque al intentar traducirlas del español al inglés cometemos errores. No tienen mucha lógica, y lo mejor es olvidarse del español y analizarlas tal como son. Aqui les proponemos una serie de oraciones para que practiquen un poco!


Make a choice by clicking on the radio button, then compare it with the correct answer hidden under the answer button.

  1. ___ the meantime, you can prepare dinner.
  2. Have you decided ___ a name ___ the baby yet?
    on, for
    about, to
  3. Are you still working ___ your project?
  4. He reminds me ___ my brother-in-law.
  5. We are leaving ___ Paris next Saturday.
  6. She was angry ___ herself for having made such stupid mistakes.
  7. I'm happy that he came ___ the conclusion that I was right.
  8. We do have to fight ___ our freedom of speech.
  9. Excuse me ___ being late.
  10. "I insist ___ my innocence", he said.
  11. They aren't interested ___ biology.
  12. He always mixes passion ___ hate.
  13. It'll all depend ___ his mood.
  14. Don't wait ___ me. I still have many things to do here.
  15. The government should care ___ the homeless children.
(C) 1997 Vera Mello

Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas

19 de septiembre de 2010

Helado de Dulce de Leche according to The New York Times

Spring days are coming ahead, and with them the helado de dulce de leche pops back in our lives.

Read what The New York Times thinks of of Argentina's favourite flavours when it comes to ice cream!

Buenos Aires: National Treasure in a Cone

and let's go to your favourite ice cream parlor to grab a cucurucho filled with creamy dulce de leche!
Prof. Mariano Ignacio

17 de septiembre de 2010

Expressing Ability

Expressing ability is something that may be confusing in English because there are many ways of expressing what you can or can't do. Let's put yourselves to test by working this online quiz!!

Have a nice week,
Profesores del CUI

Make a choice by clicking on a button then compare your answer with the correct one hidden under the answer button.
  1. Although it contains many difficult words, I ___ read this book now.
  2. But I ___ have read it last year.
  3. Because there were many long words which I ___ understand.
    aren't able to
  4. When you receive the new books ___ try to read one of them?
    can I
    could I
  5. I ___ understand why you won't let me.
  6. Can you find your way to the hotel? Yes I ___.
    am able
  7. Can you pronounce my name properly? I ___ if you would speak more slowly.
  8. Are you strong enough to lift that box.? Yes, I ___.
  9. Will you speak more clearly please? I ___ hardly hear you at all.
  10. I ___ only listen to my radio when my mother was not at home.
  11. Can you fix my car today? Yes, I ___.
  12. I ___ do that because I will get a sunburn.
  13. Is it low enough ___ you to be able to step over it?
  14. I ___ reach that apple, I'll have to use a ladder.
  15. ___ you just jump?
  16. I ___ have known when she was coming home because I didn't have a watch.
(C) 2000 by Jack Bradshaw

10 de septiembre de 2010

Interested or Interesting?

Adjectives ending with -ed and -ing

Click the answer button to see the answer.
Sue: Hi, Jane. Have you had an (interest) day?
Jane: I've had a very (excite) day. It's my birthday today.
Sue: I'm a little (confuse). I thought your birthday was next month.
Jane No, that's my brother's birthday. Mine is today.

Sue: Oh! Now I'm (embarrass). I didn't get you a present.
Jane: That's (disappoint). But it's OK.
Sue: Now I'm (depress), too.
    Hey, I've just had a (fascinate) idea.
    Why don't we go shopping and get you a present right now? That way we can get you something really (please).
Jane: What an (enchant) idea. Where shall we start?
Sue: What about right here?

Bill: Hi, Mark. You look (tire).
Mark: I am. I'm totally (exhaust)
Bill: Why? What have you been doing?
Mark: I've been getting my house ready for the painters to come tomorrow. Now they ring me to tell me, yet again, that they can't come till next week. I'm getting very (annoy) with them..
Bill: That's (disappoint).
    I'll bet that you'll be (please) when it's finished.
Mark: You're not wrong! I'm starting to get very (bore) with all the delays.
    It's (distress).
Bill: You must be so (frustrate). When do they think they will finish painting you house.
Mark: They say that it will take about two weeks to finish. But when they will start I don't know.

Bill: Don't be too (depress).
    Just think of how (relieve) you'll be when it's finished.
Mark: That's the (frighten) thing. I'm starting to believe that it will never be finished.
Bill: What a (shock) thought.
    Never mind. One day soon you'll wake up with the (relax) thought that it's finished and you don't have to worry about it anymore.
Mark: I hope you're right.

Amy: Have you heard the (suprise) news about Alice and Ted?
Cathy: You mean about their getting married. Yes, I have. I was absolutely (astonish) when I heard about it.
    I thought it was the most (astound) thing I'd heard in a long time. They're always fighting like cats and dogs.

Amy: I agree with you. I was pretty (shock) when I heard about it myself.
Cathy: Actually, I'm (relieve).
    I was always (worry) that they would break up. Now I can relax.
Amy: What a (depress) idea.
    But you're right. That would be an (upset) thing to happen.
Cathy: Now we can all relax knowing that they will live a life of (content), (wed) bliss.
Amy: You're so right. I just love weddings. They're so (fascinate).
Copyright (C) 1998 Douglas Gilbert

27 de agosto de 2010

Visita a un Museo en USA

Hi everyone,
as a new term begins we bring you a virtual visit to a museum in the USA. This museum would lodge immigrants 200 years ago.
The working sheet includes the answers and below you will find the audio file.
May you find it useful and any doubt you might have, contact your teacher.

Kind regards,
Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas

2 de julio de 2010

Total English - Revisión de las Unidades

Hola a todos!
El cuatrimestre ya está finalizando, y queremos que el proceso de exámenes sea un tiempo de evaluación objetivo y a la vez personal. Objetivo, cuando todos ustedes alumnos rinden sus exámenenes en los que se evalúa el progreso y los contenidos adquiridos. Y personal, cuando son ustedes mismos quienes miden y ven su propio progreso. Es por eso que hoy les acercamos un examen unidad por unidad, para que hagan una evaluación personal antes del examen. Pero... es importante que NO los realicen como un ejercicio más, sino como el resultado del estudio previo. Hagan los ejercicios del Workbook, trabajen con el CD-ROM -tiene muy buena ejercitación y explicaciones claras y concisas-. Y recién después, realicen estos "exámenes" de práctica.
Que les resulte de utilidad y que los exámenes finales sean un tiempo de cosechar el trabajo del cuatrimestre.

Unidad 5 -examen y respuestas-
Unidad 6 -examen y respuestas-
Unidad 7 -examen y respuestas-
Unidad 8 -examen y respuestas-

Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas

26 de junio de 2010

Argentinians in London

Hi there!
A bonus track video clip this weekend! CNN visited a London bar where Argentine fans were watching the World Cup match between Argentina and Greece. Peek inside!
Have a look at Argentinians in London as they enjoy a football match as much as we do... but in English!


25 de junio de 2010

Spanish and English living together!

Dear all,
Bilingual education is the practice of teaching non-English speaking students the principal subjects in their native language as they learn another language. Developed in the 1970's, those programs were intended to help children keep up with their classmates in subjects such as Math, Science and Social Studies while they studied English.
This week, we bring you a report that explores the experience of a school in the USA.

Click here to download the exercise for you to work.

And this is the AUDIO needed for the task.

Once you have finished, we invite you to watch an additional report based on Bilingual Education.

Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas.

11 de junio de 2010

Sentenced to... Shakespeare!

Dear all,
Every night in Boston, Massachusetts, 13 actors take the stage at Shakespeare & Company in “Henry V.’’ Nothing so unusual in that — except that they are teenagers, none older than 17, and they have been sentenced to perform this play.

The show is the culmination of a five-week intensive program called Shakespeare in the Courts, a nationally recognized initiative now celebrating its 10th year. Berkshire Juvenile Court Judge Judith Locke has sent these adjudicated offenders — found guilty of such adolescent crimes as fighting, drinking, stealing, and destroying property — not to lockup or conventional community service, but to four afternoons a week of acting exercises, rehearsal, and Shakespearean study.

This week, we bring you an interesting report on how adolescents are re-educated by means of drama. There is no exercise to be done. Only to listen and enjoy. And in case there are words you do not understand, we provide you with the transcription. Then, if you wish, there is a video that illustrates the report.




Prof. Mariano Ignacio

Centro Univ. de Idiomas

29 de mayo de 2010

Short Story

Dear all,
Edith Wharton was was a Pulitzer Prize winner, she was born in the USA in the late 1800's. Her novels and stories are characterized by a subtle use of dramatic irony.
Today we bring you one of her classic stories called "The Line of Least Resistance."

You can read and listen to the story.



Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas


Dear all,
Facebook has become the largest social network in the world. But at the same time, posting our lives on the internet may mean not having privacy. This week, we invite you to listen and work on activity we have prepared for you on the life through Facebook.
Hope you find the activity interesting and useful. And when you finish working, we have posted a video on the 25 Things a Guy Hates about Facebook.
Have fun!


AUDIO (needed for the activity)

VIDEO (just for fun)

Kind regards,
Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas

27 de mayo de 2010

2010: Year of the Bicentennial

2010 is an important year of bicentennial celebrations in the Americas. Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico all commemorate 200 years of independence.

Following is the video message and transcript of Secretary Clinton on "Year of the Bicentennial":

This year, people across our hemisphere will celebrate the “Year of the Bicentennial.” Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico are marking 200 years of independence. All of us across the Americas are joining together to honor our shared history and the values of democracy, diversity, and tolerance that form our common heritage.

In the last year, our hemisphere has been challenged -- from Honduras to Haiti to Chile. And our ability to respond to these crises as a community has been tested. But we have met these challenges together, with faith in our institutions, confidence in our values, and compassion for our friends and neighbors.

We must strive to carry that same spirit of cooperation beyond times of crisis in order to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities facing the people of the Americas. There is so much we can learn from each other and so much we can accomplish together. We can encourage broad-based prosperity, champion democracy and human rights, and ensure that every child born in the Americas has the opportunity to fulfill his or her God-given potential.

This “Year of the Bicentennial” is a time to honor our past while we look to the future -- as we continue on our common journey to create better lives for our citizens and even stronger ties between our nations. On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, congratulations and best wishes.

6 de mayo de 2010

Tim Burton's Exhibit in NYC

Hola a todos!
Esta semana les acercamos un ejercicio de Comprensión Auditiva basado en una muestra del director de cine Tim Burton en New York. Junto al ejercicio y su audio, les acercamos un video relacionado junto a la transcripción para que puedan reconocer las palabras que les resulten complicadas o difíciles de entender.

EJERCICIO de Comprensión Audtiva - Descargar en PDF
Escuchar el ejercicio on line:

Descargar el audio en MP3 desde acá


Video relacionado con la muestra de Tim Burton

Transcripción del video - Descargar en PDF

Saludos a todos, y muy buen fin de semana!

Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas

Short Story: "To Build a Fire" by Jack London

Hola a todos!
Hoy les acercamos un cuento escrito por Jack London quien fuera un reconocido escritor estadounidense. Fue el autor de "Colmillo Blanco", The Call of the Wild (traducida en español como La llamada de lo salvaje y La llamada de la selva), y otros cincuenta libros.
El título del cuento de esta semana es "To Build a Fire".

TO BUILD A FIRE - Descargar text en PDF


Escucharlo on line

¡Que lo disfruten, y que les sea útil para seguir entrenando el oido!

Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas

30 de abril de 2010


Hola a todos!
En esta primera entrega de nuestra práctica permanente on line queremos acercarles un ejercicio para que practiquen elementos del idioma con los que probablemente ya estén familiarizados o conozcan. Y además les queremos dejar un cuento de O. Henry, escritor, periodista y cuentista estadounidense a quien se le considera uno de los maestros del relato breve. Su admirable tratamiento de los finales narrativos sorpresivos popularizó en lengua inglesa la expresión “un final a lo O. Henry”.

El ejercicio incluye las respuestas, en la última hoja. Y el cuento además de poder leerlo, podrán escucharlo narrado por una periodista estadounidense llamada Barbra Klein.
Sean curiosos, exploren, y anímense a equivocarse. De los errores, aprendemos más que de los libros.
Suerte y a trabajar, entonces!

EJERCICIO (What's the meaning of "May Day" in English) -
Descargar en PDF

Short Story - "The Last Leaf" by O. Henry

Que tengan una buena semana!
Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Univ. de Idiomas

NOTA: Para escuchar el audio deberán tener instalado el Flash Player de Acrobat

24 de abril de 2010

Primer Cuatrimestre 2010

Hola y bienvenidos al Primer Cuatrimestre!

A partir de la última semana de abril volveremos a actualizar quincenalmente los Blogs del Centro Universitario de Idiomas.
Si estás recibiendo este e-mail es porque en algún momento te suscribiste a nuestro correo de actualizaciones.

* Para recibir actualizaciones de tu curso actual deberás suscribirte al BLOG corresponidiente al NIVEL que estés realizando. (aquí el listado de Niveles)
* Al mismo tiempo si quisieras no recibir más actualizaciones de ESTE BLOG, deberás desuscribirte.

Ambas acciones son fáciles de realizar, y deben ser hechas personalmente.

Esperamos contarte entre nuestros alumnos que siguen apostando a continuar capacitándose para hablar y disfrutar de más Inglés.

Muchas gracias!
Prof. Mariano Ignacio
Centro Universitario de Idiomas